Well, we are slowly saying goodbye to ol' man winter...
But not before, we had a party!!
Fortunatley, Brandon Cox "Tudizzle" has found the "cure" for da springtime blues.... SPRING FLING !!!
This open event gives venue to sledders & boarders before they hang up their booters..
This year raised almost 10k for great cause, and featured a band with over 200 in attendance. Sledderz from MN to the Dakotas joined us for 3 days of sun, fun, and runs! Eben is back>
Next year, who know's how big or where it will be?..
But its legit, and growing every year.
Thanks Brandon for carrying on the tradition, and doing this almost single-handily!! Also needing mentioned is Tim Patten, David Maness, Vito Taverna, John Asta, Johnny Bushman, Scott Carlson, Marcus Rasputin, Tony Distrola, Sky Pixel Media, and the 100's of raffle donators!
Prizes, who said....Prizes?? More pics to come........ --->>
Nite life