Season is turning to shit quick
Yes we are above our normal snow pack by a good amount, but the quality of the snow has been mostly horrible this season. We had a 6 week window of amazing snow from Mid December through the end of January. Horrible late start to the season. Non-existent February, just like last year. Would have been ok if it didn't get so damn warm. Had to hit every little snow storm right away like it was a spring storm. At least last year it dumped in March through May. This year is looking like a total bust in March as well. With only around 7 weeks of possible pow rides from late March, till the season ends. Sigh... hard to stay optimistic. Better drink some more beer or road trip it up north.
- [Jordan CO2.0's Blog]
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not good man!!
no joke.. i am going dirt biking the new few days .. it is 75F here in the desert .. wtf???