The FindMeSPOT API lives, it has been redesigned and integrated into the new weknowsnow. Simply add your SPOT unit id to your profile and follow the directions to have your SPOT messages and locations syndicated and mapped. You can choose to have just your messages displayed or your full location and map. Giving you the option to keep those secret stashes secret....

What else is new? Added Colorado CAIC Avalanche reports to the AVY/SNOW tab. Added an hourly update of the current snowfall reports with webcams related via geolocation!

In addition, we've added Topographical, Google Earth, and Live Nexrad Weather overlays to all of the maps on the site. The number of Snotel stations you can choose has been increased to 30 and the history is now set at 3 days vs. 1 day. Let us know if you have any improvements or ideas.


jp's picture

what up lips!

tell doug hello! glad you guys are still keepin' everyone in check over there. next season!! thanks for the message dude.. good hearin from ya!