Colorado Backcountry: Site Update!

Big changes at weknowsnow.. We've upgraded to Wordpress as the main blogging software backend. You might have noticed the new theme and web 2.0/ajax look. New features on the site: Speed Increase, WKS Widgets, Lightbox Image Effects (now you can click an image for full size - try it!), Trackbacks/Pings, Larger Pictures, Ajax Post Ratings and an overall better look. I've got all the posts and comments converted but I'm still working on upgrading the older posts with Lightbox support (1st page or two are done). The site is still hosted at Dreamhost, going on the 3rd year now.

Going sledding tomorrow, May 18th!!

....and a video... we love sledding:

Colorado Backcountry: Is It Summer Yet? 05.09.2007

Took some vacation time from work, brought AKD up sleddin. Awesome spring day! Dudes second day out and he is already dropping she-hooks and some gnar side-hilling.

Colorado Backcountry: Rabbit Ears Love - May 2007

STE and I went out for a session today. Got 10 or so laps of blower May pow in a completely new zone near SE Rabbit Ears. Stillwater area was also looking money!. Almost Bluebird in the morning, it quickly started to dump again. We switched to sledneck mode and finished off the day.

Colorado Backcountry: Cinco de Sledo - May 2007

Went sledding, weather sucked but it was dumping with more snow on the way. Followed Kaleb around on a tour of a couple of new areas, testing some mods and tweaks on both of our sleds.

Watch Kaleb kill it on the Phazer MTN Lite and his M1000 below, it's great to ride with someone beter then you. You learn quickly trying to keep up. Although we ended up towing the M1000 out with the MTN Lite after Kaleb aired out pretty huge off this climb and blew up the spider in his primary clutch. Video Music: Jedi Mind Tricks

Colorado Backcountry: Test and Tune - Late April 2007

Went up into the high country today. Rode with Kaleb as tour guide and accessed some pretty amazing terrain. His M1000 was giving us trouble as they just finished the top end rebuild as I was arriving at the shop in Georgetown. One mod that we did on trail to my mountain lite that made a world of difference was to remove the skis and bring the skis about 2 inches closer together. If you have a Phazer and ride backcountry I really suggest this mod, it makes the sled much more controllable and way easier to side hill.

Colorado High Country:


Colorado Backcountry: Late April Recon - 04.20.2007

Took the sleds out the last couple of days to do some mapping and recon work. Found some new and motivating zones for next year. Surprised by the good coverage and late April snows, it's looking like it's going to be a long spring corn season. Hit up a day inbounds at Abasin for some park riding and cruising.... More pictures soon...

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