We've been up here once before and it was brutal! Out of 5 attempts we've made it only twice to this special zone. After 3 hours of chopping trees, making road, digging out in the willows and some Burandt style sidehill tree action we made up above tree line and to Lake K. Some of the most rewarding and technical riding I've ever done, completely untracked and deep in the trees - lots of good lines.  No fuck up zone all day. 100% concentration and still scary as shit. We were so exhausted from putting in miles and miles of road and trail we only rode up at the lake for an hour or so. I don't think anyone has been up in this zone for a long time!! A couple of huge avalanches in the zone so we played it safe. Multiple tree removals, two on-trail sled fixes, some insane route finding and breaking trail from Jordan. Deep pow for no snow!!

One of the many Moose from today..

The last switch back after the most technical section. We are all stuck

Jordan boonin' near an avalanche deposit

Looking down from the highest point, long sidehill up.

Enough said........


jp's picture


i've only heard this name once before... hrmmm