Colorado Backcountry: The Holiday Blizzard - 12.20.2006

Well the snow is back in a big way. Mark and I hammered our way up I70 yesterday to one of the local sidecountry spots and got a bunch of pow runs in. The storm was just gearing up and snowing really hard, after each lap our tracks were completely filled in. It was great to see all of the normal crew out on the pass and meet some new faces as well. Gotta say whats up to my boy Doug (aka lips, aka cpt pow!) and his crew, great seeing you guys and taking a few laps. Met some new guys when Mark and I took a break in the shack, Tommy and Mike. We ended up shuttling the rest of the day with those guys and it doesn't really get much better. Mark and I decided to roll out about 2:00pm and try and make it back to town, the roads are crazy. I70 is shutdown, everything is closed. I'm going to ride my sled around Boulder!




A couple of pics from yesterday, as you can see I don't have my D40 skills dialed yet. Missed a couple of money shots of Mike and Mark, some are out of focus, you get the idea. Enjoy